The Finished Labyrinth
Following are some final shots of the finished labyrinth. The next day we removed two stones from next to the standing herm stone. This allows the walker to circle the standing stone and reverse directions, returning out the way one came in like a standard labyrinth. The top photos were taken the day the labyrinth was build; the last photos were taken on a cloudy morning two days later, after the two stones were removed.
The final photo was taken from the top floor of our house on August 7th, and is the closest we can get to a vertical shot.

Interesting facts about this labyrinth:
30 ft. (9.15 meters) in diameter.
Design is the classical seven circuit processional labyrinth.
Aisle width, from wall center to wall center, is 1 ft. 10 1/2 inches (57 centimeters).
Directional orientation is close to east and west. You are heading west on entering.
One labyrinth on the Swedish isle of Gotland is named 'Freyja's Sanctuary'.
Volund or Weyland was credited with building the first Labyrinth in the Norse/Germanic stories. In Ancient Greece the first labyrinth was made by Daedalus in the service of King Minos. In a major parallel between mythologies, both Daedalus and Volund were imprisoned in the labyrinth they had made, and were able to make wings and fly off to freedom. It is uncertain whether these parallel stories indicate late borrowing or derivation from a common Indo-European source. Many other elements of the two stories differ.
All Material, text, and art © Bryon Boyce 1999